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Beryl Stocker, Artist and Neighbour.

November 29, 2010

I’ve spent the last few days catching up with my folks and old school friends on the Wirral.

It was a wonderful trip (as ever) and I’m forever grateful and remind myself, how lucky I am

to have such amazing parents and a wealth of friends who mean so much to me, that I’ve known

for the past 25 years. Whilst I was home I bumped into our neighbour Beryl Stocker.

I have fond memories of playing on the swing in her garden as a child, in those amazingly long, hot

summer holidays from school. Beryl is now 83 and has painted with oils for her own enjoyment

for the past 30+ years. I went to her home to see some of her work and was instantly transported

back to being that small boy by seeing the familiar green paisley carpet and ornaments I recall

from those early days. Beryl’s work has a lovely light touch and I think she has a good eye for what

makes a painting capture the viewers’ attention. She kindly allowed me to take some images to

share with you here.

These were taken from photographs and are the hands of Nigel Slater and Monty Don.

These are taken from childhood memories of life where she grew up in Norfolk.

Below Beryls’ depiction of The Four Seasons.

And for purely sentimental reasons, my favourite has to be this view of the side of the house

which was the view I had from the swing. You can still see the ropes used on the tree for her

grandchildren to play on.

Thanks again to Beryl for sharing her lovely work with us.

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